Is there any link between vitamin D levels and ADHD? A review of the current evidence:
We have spent a lot of time looking at correlations between vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids (and their deficiencies) and ADHD. However, it is important to note that just because low levels of a particular nutrient are seen alongside the disorder, it does not necessarily mean that this deficiency is the cause of ADHD (i.e. correlation does not imply causation). In other words, the nutrient deficiency and ADHD symptoms might both be secondary effects of a larger primary cause, such as an enzyme deficiency or metabolic dysfunction.
In the case of vitamin D, the association with ADHD is a lot more muddled than with some of the other nutrients which have a relatively strong connection with the disorder (iron, zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids to name a few). The amount of information in the literature is relatively scarce, as well. A search in the journal database Pubmed (where this blogger gets most of his articles and information) for "ADHD" and "vitamin D" turns up only a small handful of search results, the majority of which focus on other disorders and only mention ADHD peripherally.
However, given the fact that vitamin D is such a "hot" vitamin and has been a popular supplement as of late, we should investigate some of its potential benefits with regard to ADHD and related disorders. Please keep in mind that many of these points below are more theoretical or speculative, because most of the hard, concrete evidence in well-documented clinical controlled studies simply does not exist at the moment. Nevertheless, here are some possible ways in which vitamin D may help in cases of ADHD or related disorders:
- Vitamin D can boost levels of the antioxidant glutathione in the brain. One way that vitamin D does this is by regulating an enzyme called gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, which plays a role in both the metabolism and recycling of glutathione. We have spoken at length about how antioxidant deficits can worsen ADHD symtpoms, and how fatty acids (namely omega-3's) are frequently administered for ADHD and related disorders. Given the high makeup of these omega-3 fatty acids in the brain, and their susceptibility to oxidation and damage in the central nervous system, protecting them by boosting antioxidant levels (either directly or indirectly) is a good bet.
- One of the current theories surrounding ADHD is that it is (at least partially) an energy deficiency syndrome, or is the result of impaired metabolic abilities in key regions of the central nervous system. While highly debatable, this theory holds that impaired glucose metabolism in various parts of the brain may be a major contributing factor to the presence or severity of this disorder.
While this blogger is currently neutral on this deficiency theory, it is interesting to note that vitamin D can help regulate glucose tranport into the brain, which would (at least in theory) improve this possible cause of the disorder. It is believed that vitamin D works by targeting multiple enzymes involved in glucose transport and metabolism. Much more study needs to be done to confirm this assertion, but this may be another potential benefit of boosting vitamin D levels in the ADHD patient. - Vitamin D may play a role in catecholamine synthesis. Catecholamines include the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which are believed to be tightly regulated and highly involved in the treatment of ADHD (deficiencies of both dopamine and norepinephrine in the "gaps" between neuronal cells are often seen in cases of ADHD).
- Vitamin D boosts the effects of an enzyme called choline acetyltransferase in the mammalian brain. This enzyme is used in the manufacture of another neurotransmitting agent called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is thought to play a major role in maintaining a state of sustained attention, a critical shortcoming in those with ADHD. In other words, keeping adequate levels of vitamin D could potentially help prop up lower levels of this attention-sustaining neurochemical.
- Learning and memory deficits, both of which are heavily present in the ADHD population, have been tied to prenatal vitamin D deficiencies in the rat model. This involves a process called synaptic plasticity, which relates to memory formation in an individual. If this finding extends to humans, it could have serious implications on maintaining adequate vitamin D intake in pregnant women.
- Problems with fine motor control are sometimes seen as a secondary characteristic in a fraction of the ADHD population. These problems may be exacerbated in a vitamin D deficient state.
- Perhaps the strongest correlation, however, may be between vitamin D and depressive-like symptoms, particularly those associated with seasonal affective disorders (SAD). Please keep in mind, however, that studies on vitamin D levels and depression are highly variable; a number of studies have been done on the topic and found no such linkage between the two. We have previously investigated possible connections between ADHD and SAD in an earlier post.
This may make intuitive sense, since vitamin D production is triggered by sunlight, so in the dark winter months, the levels of this vitamin are often much lower (this may also be a major contributing factor as to why illnesses run so much more rampant during the winter months). In other words, vitamin D supplementation may be particularly useful in individuals with ADHD who also have co-occuring depressive or anxiety-ridden symptoms.

Thanks for exploring this! Although it seems the link between Vit 'D' and ADHD is tenuous, there are many other benefits to 'D' supplementation that make it a worthwhile supplement to add to the ADHD (and non-ADHD) regimen, IMO.
Thanks so much for looking into this. Interesting post!! Tess
Great article - well sourced! Even if it's just a tenuous link, every little bit of symptom mitigation helps.
Link between Vit 'D' and ADHD is not so tenuous if you think about it, but indeed benefits to 'D' supplementation in ADHD regimen are many.
I like the post, I think there is a relation to vit D
We recently added Vitamin D to our son's morning routine and his behaviour and ability to focus in school as dramatically improved! He has struggled with ADHD for 4 years but the past few weeks have been so amazing...for him and us!! I think more testing should be done on this subject!
This metal is needed for proper use of the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. Since it also plays a role in amino-acid formation, a deficiency may contribute to depression stemming from low levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine.
take care people
Very interesting; thanks for sharing!
Would you consider reporting on the use of phosphatidylserine and it's effects on ADHD? I would be very interested in what your research comes up with. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing this bit of info. I have both ADHD and winter after winter have been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiancy. It was very nice to have everything broken down scientifically.
I will ask my son's doctor about it. I think he can explain if there is a relation between ADHD and Vitamin D deficiency.
I myself have been supplementing Vitamin D for a few months now. Along with any improvements in ADHD symptoms there seems to be a huge weight of opinion over the last few years that suggests Vitamin D deficiency is a large problem in Western society.
I am going to try Synaptol myself since I have read such great things about it. If there are no ill effects, I will start my son on it.
This is nice information that you posted. The link between the two is not that really strong but I think there is a little relation.
I recently was reading a thread on one of the ADHD forums regarding punishing a child because he destroyed something precious while he was off his medication. They boy was confused and distraught over what he had done.
People with inattentive ADHD are, by and large, not impulsive. When you have an impulsive child with ADHD, you understand why this sub-type gets all the research dollars.
Just found your blog...very informative. Thank you. I was wondering if you explore the link between underdeveloped lower (pons) and middle brain and ADHD? Here's a good site w/ info:
Thanks and I hope you keep up the good work! -Celestina
You mention so many vitamins and minerals in your blog... my head is swimming. I want to take my son off of Vyvanse, and try a "nutrient cocktail" of sorts. Do you know of any supplement that combines all of the right amounts of Omega 3's, Vitamins, Ginko and the like? Where can I find just a list of supplements with dosage recommendations for my 12 year old boy?
Thanks a lot for this nice discussion of ADHD and vitamin Deficiency. Thanks a lot for this great information.
Smith ALan
Thanks for sharing that interesting information. I really learned a lot about ADHD and Vitamin D deficiency.
Very interesting! I still wonder though, how can it be that you can have both ADD/ADHD and OCD at the same time? According to the studies these disorders contradicts eachother neurologically. ADD/ADHD has underactivity verses OCD hyperativity, caused by an imbalance in the same neurotransmitting system (or what it's called). I can't understand that. But I do beleive you can have both. I have OCD but I suspect I have ADD too.
This is an eye opener article. I am glad to read this. This is new information to me that I really need to know.
Hi The ADHD Treatment Guide
I find your blog very entertaining. I find it interesting.
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Having recently been diagnosed with Inattentive ADD, I want to extend my overwhelming appreciation for your blog. It is a great resource that is helping me to explore and navigate this strange disorder.
It's been over a year since you've posted, but I hope you will return to writing soon. I very much enjoy reading your thoughts.
Thank you for this post. These kind of insights can help many people. Vitamin D deficiency can be easily remedied. There are those who will probably be able to find the relief they have sought for a long period of time by reading this article.
I have a high interest in the specific benefits of vitamins and mental illness, so this article was obviously very interesting to me! Thank you for sharing. :)
thank you for this post, interesting
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Nice explanation on ADHD & vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for our immune system as well as skin. Informative post.
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if there are views that "energy deficiency syndrome, or is the result of impaired metabolic abilities in key regions of the central nervous system". The idea of giving stimulants, unless they address the delivery of energy where it is needed in the bain, would surely be very suspect?
Thanks for the informative blog as I believe there is a link between ADHD and Vitamin D as well. I need to put more D supplements into mine and my kids' diets.
This is a really interesting research and I can just back up your theory. At least from my subjective feeling my son's ADD got better since he gets his daily boost of Vitamin D :)
For my part one and all ought to look at it.
I just found out last week that the level of vitamin D in my blood is 8. I am 42 years old and have suffered with depression most of my life and now I am wondering if it was a vitamin d deficiency all along. I have been diagnosed with a variety of mental illnesses but do better without medication. When I was on meds, I was in and out of the pschiactric ward because of suicidal tendencies. I just learned how to cope with it and I am the type that feeds off of other peoples happiness so I focus on that. I haven’t had a physical in years and I am scheduled for one the end of March. I went in for pre-physical bloodwork which is when the caught the vitamin d level. I honestly feel like I am losing my mind. I can’t concentrate on anything and have a hard time having a conversation without stopping many times to figure out what I am trying to say and finding the words to say it. I am also so tired and i hurt all the time. What I don’t understand is why. I drink more milk than a normal person. I eat eggs regularly. I am not obese and I am not a vegetarian. Why would my vitamin D level be almost non existant? I do live in Maine and because of my horrible depression, I am not outside as much as I should. I started working out a few weeks ago even though it is hard to get out of bed. I am spending as much time as I can outside. I just feel lousy. It is so hard because I have had alot of trauma in my life due to abuse. Now Iam in a wonderful and stable relationship with the nicest and most understanding man I have ever met. We live 3 hours away from each other and only see each other every few weeks. I feel bad because I tell him how happy I am but cry all the time and half of the time I just sit on the phone without finding anything to say because it is so hard to have a conversation when your mind is so jumbled up. Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening? I am on the verge of being suicidal during the happiest time in my life. I am scared.
I do think that what is adhd has to do with Vitamin D would be a case to case basis amongst the patients.
It's nice to have such well-researched scientific material broken down into understandable writing. Have you stopped publishing on this blog?
Thanks for sharing this informative blog
ADHD & 504 Plan
Appreciate your very useful information about adhd and Vitamin D Deficiency
Very interesting post, I got a little bit worried today because I've been lacking Vit D recently. Better watch out for the adhd adult symptoms.
this is not surprising! Yes, vitamins plays a vital role in boosting the brain's processes. Having deficiency on these vital nutrients will lead to those ADHD -affected to suffer more.
Like many other disorders ADHD appears as a result of a combination of several factors. Besides hereditary factors, causes are found in brain injuries, dietary habits (possible connection with consuption of sugar) and social environment factors (for example alcohol and smoking during pregnancy) these also may contribute to the ADHD development. Now there is vitamin D as a posible cause. It's also noted that food additives such as artificial colours affect the increased activity.
I'm especially interested in the clear link between vitamin d and ADHD because I do an amateur research on vitamin D deficiency -
I was dignosed with vitD deficiency a year and a half ago, I've menaged to raise the level of Vitamin D by taking vit D supplements and food rich in this vitamin. Nonetheless, my children avoided facing the lack of vitamin D.
Maggie L
There are many parents these days that take their children for chiropractic treatment and care. It has been observed that children can take advantage of this treatment method starting from birth till throughout the childhood. Handling a child with ADHD in your house can be a problematic work but it has been observed that chiropractic treatment can help a lot with the symptoms of ADHD.
Children suffering from the problem of ADHD or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder can act out in various ways. They may control themselves, not obey commands and bully other children. These children might get violent and may have rough behavior like throwing things around.
According to a survey by American Chiropractic Association in 1991, the number of chiropractic patients of sixteen years of age and younger has increased to 8.5%. Chiropractic services is the most common alternative method of treatment performed on children and it is completely safe.
A study conducted in 1975 compared the effect of chiropractic treatment and drugs in children suffering from ADHD. The study showed that chiropractic services was twenty four percent more effective than normal drug prescription. It worked over the wide range of symptoms which are common in neurological dysfunction syndrome. So, chiropractic treatment works good with children having ADHD.
It has been observed that children who suffer from the problem of ADHD have successful results with chiropractic treatment. It has also been noticed that children who have vertebral subluxation and do not show any symptoms of ADHD should still have chiropractic services. The best method of treatment in case of ADHD is chiropractic services. It is completely natural and so it does not have any side effects. This makes it very safe for your child. With proper treatment and care, the symptoms of this condition can be helped to a great degree.
The effects of chiropractic services on children with learning and behavioral problems was investigated with 24 elementary and secondary level students, 12 receiving regular chiropractic treatment and 12 receiving medication. Results indicated that chiropractic treatment was more effective for the wide range symptoms common in the neurological dysfunction syndrome in which the following symptom areas were identified: attention span, hyperactivity, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, verbal output performance, writing output performance, following instructions, hand-eye coordination, overall coordination, effort, emotional maturity, behavior, and self-confidence.
The hands-on nature of the chiropractic services requires patients to visit the chiropractor a number of times. To be treated by the best chiropractor, a patient needs to go into the office. A chiropractor may provide acute, chronic, and/or preventive care thus making a certain number of visits sometimes necessary. Your doctor of chiropractic should tell you the extent of treatment recommended and how long you can expect it to last.
Being a teenager is not easy and when a teenager is affected with ADHD, life becomes all the more difficult. ADHD in teenagers in quite common as only 1/3rd of the affected children get cured of the disorder before stepping into their teen years. However, with a lot of research being done on ADHD in teenagers, there seems to be plenty of hope for the teens to combat the struggle.
ADHD in Teenagers
Thanks for sharing such an interesting information.
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What a great post! While the link between vitamin D and ADHD is not definitive, it is worth trying. If parents are looking for ways to help their children deal with their ADHD, I recommend you check I hope this resource is helpful!
for this and many other diseases there is nothing like enough vitamins preferably in food or vitamin supplements but
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can have long-term adverse effects into adolescence and adulthood. There remains to be, the controversial issues regarding the management and-or treatment of ADHD.
Wow what a nice post i am so inspired here could you more share here i will be back to you as soon as possible.
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder alternative treatments to choose from with the hope and intent of allowing someone suffering with ADD to lead a more leisure and healthier life.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , ADHD, is one of the most common disorders that develop in children. If left untreated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can have long-term adverse effects into adolescence and adulthood.
I read your blog, it's excellent and very informative. Thanks, to sharing here a lot of discussion regarding of ADHD and vitamin Deficiency. You mention here so many vitamins and minerals in your blog. Vitamin D is such a "hot" complement and has been a well-known complement as of delayed, we should examine some of its prospective advantages with respect to ADHD and relevant conditions. ADHD boards regarding penalizing a kid because he damaged something valuable while he was off his treatment. Industry Analysis Report
I really enjoyed this article. It is always nice when you read some thing that is not only informative but entertaining.
Interestingly enough, many women who are suffering with ADD have gone through their entire lives into adulthood without being diagnosed with the disorder. Add Symptoms
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The DSM manual is used by doctors in America to help them diagnose this mental disorder. The manual distinguishes three types of ADHD. The first is the predominantly hyperactive type, the second which is the predominantly inattentive type and the third is the combined type. As we can see the latter could be referred to as ADHD but it does not fit the other two.
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Medications for ADD/ADHD may help your child concentrate better or sit still, at least in the short term. But to date, there is little evidence that they improve school achievement, relationships, or behavioral issues over the long term. And even in the short term, medication won’t solve all problems or completely eliminate the symptoms of ADD/ADHD.
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Thank you for posting this interesting and very well researched post. Didn't know there was a connection, will have it in my mind .
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May be vitamin d deficiency may lead you to cut some weight burn some fat while in sunbut won't help you to achieve something loose weight
I did not know there was a potential link between vitamin D levels and ADHD. I think it makes sense, however, since there is a clear connection between energy levels and vitamin D levels. It means that vitamin D affects your energy!
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I do not know who is the author here, but I wonder if the knowledgeable medical professionals here can comments a bit on the acetyl-l-carnitine or l-carnitine on ADHD, especially effectiveness on the InAttentive Type?
What is the chemical or medical reactions behind that would possibly enable this, versus the L-Tyrosine?
Sorry, I forget to add these links about the acetyl-l-carnitine
This is a very, very brief summary/generalisation of the evolution of the original races. It is just designed to give a very quick to read idea of how we all came to be today.
The original Scandinavian race was the blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned race (light featured) that originated from Scandinavia some 45,000 to 50,000 years ago.
The Scandinavian race evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa some 125,000 years ago and settled in Scandinavia. 80,000 years of total isolation in Scandinavia and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Scandinavians.
The Indian race also evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa and then settled in India. Tens of thousands of years of isolation in India and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Indians. (Indian = dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark featured)
The Oriental race also evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa and then settled in Far East Asia. Tens of thousands of years of isolation in Far East Asia and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Orientals.(Oriental = dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark featured) The Australian Aboriginal race also evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa and then settled in Australia. Tens of thousands of years of isolation in Australia and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Australian Aboriginals.(Australian Aboriginal = dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark featured) 45,000 years ago there was a lot of movement as the Ice-Age pushed these Scandinavians out of Scandinavia. These Scandinavian spread out through Europe and into Asia and in Asia they mixed with the Indians, this formed the Arabic peoples (Indo-Scandinavians).
The Scandinavians also migrated into Far East Asia and mixed with the Orientals forming the Korean/Chinese/Japanese types.
Arabic peoples moved back West into North Africa and then up into Spain, Italy and Greece mixing with the Scandinavians that had originally settled there, this formed the original Spanish, Italian and Greek ethnicities. Oriental Scandinavians also moved back West and mixed with the original Scandinavians in Europe forming what we now know as ‘Slavic’ types. What with brown hair and brown eyes being dominant over blonde hair and blue eyes more Scandinavians in Europe became darker. Yes, Europeans are mostly Scandinavian race with varying amounts of Indian race and Oriental race in them which gives many these darker features.
This is a very, very brief summary/generalisation of the evolution of the original races. It is just designed to give a very quick to read idea of how we all came to be today.
The original Scandinavian race was the blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned race (light featured) that originated from Scandinavia some 45,000 to 50,000 years ago.
The Scandinavian race evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa some 125,000 years ago and settled in Scandinavia. 80,000 years of total isolation in Scandinavia and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Scandinavians.
The Indian race also evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa and then settled in India. Tens of thousands of years of isolation in India and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Indians. (Indian = dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark featured)
The Oriental race also evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa and then settled in Far East Asia. Tens of thousands of years of isolation in Far East Asia and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Orientals.(Oriental = dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark featured) The Australian Aboriginal race also evolved from the Black African race that migrated out of Africa and then settled in Australia. Tens of thousands of years of isolation in Australia and the original Black Africans evolved to the original Australian Aboriginals.(Australian Aboriginal = dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark featured) 45,000 years ago there was a lot of movement as the Ice-Age pushed these Scandinavians out of Scandinavia. These Scandinavian spread out through Europe and into Asia and in Asia they mixed with the Indians, this formed the Arabic peoples (Indo-Scandinavians).
The Scandinavians also migrated into Far East Asia and mixed with the Orientals forming the Korean/Chinese/Japanese types.
Arabic peoples moved back West into North Africa and then up into Spain, Italy and Greece mixing with the Scandinavians that had originally settled there, this formed the original Spanish, Italian and Greek ethnicities. Oriental Scandinavians also moved back West and mixed with the original Scandinavians in Europe forming what we now know as ‘Slavic’ types. What with brown hair and brown eyes being dominant over blonde hair and blue eyes more Scandinavians in Europe became darker. Yes, Europeans are mostly Scandinavian race with varying amounts of Indian race and Oriental race in them which gives many these darker features.
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I havent read this through properly (apologies, have to get to work!) but just want to say Ive have my vitamin D levels tested twice recently & they are fine. I also grew up in a very sunny country. And have ADHD. I was working on the assumption I had a D deficiency (before my tests) so took a very good D supplement that didnt help one bit.
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his product is by far the best plan for treating fibroids naturally...the practical step by step instructions and the detailed information regarding the real cause and how to treat uterine fibroids were a real eye opener. I started dr williams medication after intense bleeding and pain which occurred during one of my rehearsals (I am a professional violinist).I was later that week diagnosed with 2 medium sized fibroids which placed an enormous pressure on my bladder. I was advised by 3 different doctors to undergo surgery to remove these fibroids as I was told that there was nothing I could do to shrink or stop their growth. Luckily, I ran into dr williams by accident as I was searching for information on the net regarding my condition. I was so relieved to have found that surgery was not always the answer, that it can be dangerous and that uterine fibroid can return even after surgical intervention. In less than 4 weeks of taking dr williams herbal portion and following his instruction, both of my fibroid had shrunk by 100% and the second ultrasound taken 7 weeks after I began taking dr williams medication, had shown that both of these were completely gone. I also my periods became regular. and now am three months old pregnant, you can contact his email address on for advice and for his product
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I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from fibroid, I have suffered from fibroid since the 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the pin during my menstrual period until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including fibroid, at first i doubted if it we be able to shrink the 9cm large fibroid in my womb, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from fibroid just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from fibroid you can contact him through his email on for help.
Thanks so much for looking into this. I
He helped me with a fast cure to fibroid,and the size of it was .7cm, Then I started taking the medication for only one month, and now am completely cured from it. I was able to make it without any surgery, now I can live like every normal human and I can eat any food of my choice If you need such help, contact him via mail on for advice,i hope this also help some one out there.
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Dr Williams,herbal treatment is the best to shrink fibroid naturally.
Four months ago, I was scheduled an operation to remove a fairly large uterine fibroid (approx. 8 cm), which had caused me a great deal of pelvic pain and pressure on my bladder. My doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife and I had reluctantly agreed (after trying several medications to decrease the size of the fibroid to no avail). It was approx. 2 months prior to the surgery when my husband comes across dr williams herbal remedies which my husband found and ordered for me online. With the help of my loving husband, I followed the step and procedure on how i should be taking it. and one months later I was scheduled for an ultrasound check: it was shocking. The fibroid had completely gone, I had consulted my doctor and cancelled the surgery and with your dedicated counseling guidance I managed to completely treat the fibroid from my uterus, along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me. Thank you so much for your kind help,any body with similar problem should contact him on his email address his a good man
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"Dear Williams, I wanted to drop you a note and say 'THANK YOU', from the bottom of my heart. I was browsing the Internet back in AUGUST this year looking for help, any help. I have been diagnosed with a large fibroid that was extremely painful especially at night before my period. Thankfully enough I accidentally came across so many people thanking dr williams for his medication. I thought I should give his medicine a try and if it worked then the thirty something bucks would have been worth it. I ordered his medicine and went to my local health store and bought the herbs and vitamins and the other more basic ingredients for his medicine and then started his medication that day. After 7 days I didn't see any change so I thought 'here we go again'. But it wasn't another disappointment. By the end of the 4th week on a bright Monday morning, all the pain and the awful bloated feeling just stopped. I immediately went and performed another ultrasound and guess what? The fibroid was not there anymore. I was so happy!
Thanks to your advice, I now know how to prevent any future fibroid formation and the array of symptoms that goes along with it, including the severe bleeding and heavy periods. Thank you so much for everything!"for more information on how to get his medication you can email him on
his product is by far the best plan for treating fibroids naturally...the practical step by step instructions and the detailed information regarding the real cause and how to treat uterine fibroids were a real eye opener. I started dr williams medication after intense bleeding and pain which occurred during one of my rehearsals (I am a professional violinist).I was later that week diagnosed with 2 medium sized fibroids which placed an enormous pressure on my bladder. I was advised by 3 different doctors to undergo surgery to remove these fibroids as I was told that there was nothing I could do to shrink or stop their growth. Luckily, I ran into dr williams by accident as I was searching for information on the net regarding my condition. I was so relieved to have found that surgery was not always the answer, that it can be dangerous and that uterine fibroid can return even after surgical intervention. In less than 4 weeks of taking dr williams herbal portion and following his instruction, both of my fibroid had shrunk by 100% and the second ultrasound taken 7 weeks after I began taking dr williams medication, had shown that both of these were completely gone. I also my periods became regular. and now am three months old pregnant, you can contact his email address on for advice and for his product.
Thank You for your awesome article. I have ADHD-Pi and I was diagnosed with low vitamin D about 2 years ago, the 1st time anyone has ever checked before.
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I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from fibroid, I have suffered from fibroid since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the pain during my menstrual period until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including fibroid, at first i doubted if it we be able to shrink the 9cm large fibroid in my womb, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from fibroid just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from fibroid you can contact him through his email on for help.
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